Why English Isn't Enough in Today's Global Marketplace

English has long held the title of the global lingua franca, a bridge language connecting people from different cultures and backgrounds. However, nowadays, solely relying on English can be a significant disadvantage. Consider this: about 1.5 billion people, or roughly 20% of the world's population, speak English. If English is the only language you speak, your reach and influence are confined to that 20%.

Now, imagine the possibilities if you could communicate with the other 80% of the world’s population. As someone who speaks six languages—English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, French, and Persian— I've been able to tap into connecting diverse markets that were previously inaccessible between East Asian markets and the West. By communicating effectively in these languages, I can help tap into these significant economic powers and connect with a broader customer base as the languages I am proficient in represent economies that hold a significant portion of the world's GDP. 

Let’s talk numbers: Mandarin is spoken in China (the world’s second-largest economy), a country contributing over 18% to the global GDP. French, the language of 29 countries, spans numerous countries that collectively contribute about 16% to the global GDP. Korean as a smaller represents 2.3% of the global GDP.

In addition to broadening your market reach, multilingualism allows me to capture vital meta-details in business situations that are often missed when relying solely on English. As an advisor, not only do I bridge the communication gap, but I also navigate the complexities of those vital meta-details intrinsic to native language, that are often missed. For instance, my ability to speak Korean fluently has allowed me to bridge gaps with local vendors in Seoul, facilitating pop-up events with vendors that would have otherwise been impossible. Likewise, my English, Korean, and French skills allowed me to source and facilitate high-profile connections in private equity and facilitated smooth interactions to ensure clients received the most insightful information. These opportunities are a direct result and value of harnessing sentient multilingual capabilities as a live person as opposed to solely relying on lifeless AI (although that too has its place). 

However, it’s not just about speaking the language; it’s about mastering the proper prosody—the intonation, rhythm, or "music" of the language. This mastery creates what I call "linguistic confidence." When you speak with the right pronunciation and rhythm, your listener's subconscious switch flips, and they start speaking to you as they would with friends or associates. This level of trust and familiarity is a game-changer in business.

A common misconception is that learning a new language is too time-consuming. In reality, with today’s technology, it’s never been easier or more accessible. ChatGPT offers free, instantaneous examples of grammar and vocabulary right on your smartphone. You can immerse yourself in YouTube videos featuring native speakers, absorbing colloquial expressions as naturally as a child learning their first language. By leveraging these methods, I’ve achieved linguistic proficiency in record time.

English can handle surface-level work, but without a deeper linguistic connection, you risk missing crucial subtleties in negotiations and interactions. By mastering multiple languages and understanding the cultural intricacies of all parties, you can transform into a modern-day 'commodified' and 'commercialized' Marco Polo, seizing opportunities that others might overlook. This approach has personally enabled me to bridge gaps, facilitate high-profile connections, and deliver exceptional value to my clients.

If you're looking to expand your business in Asia particularly, I can help. As an expert multilingual, Asia-based business intermediary, I can help you seize opportunities that monoglots simply cannot access. Contact me to explore how we can elevate your business in Northeast Asia and beyond. Eventually Spanish and German will also be available.



Why Multilingual Expert Network Services are the Key to Global Success