Bridging the intel gap between the Western world and East Asia

Your Personal Multilingual Expert Network Consultant

Your Personal International Broker bridging the gap between the West and  East Asia, ready to assist you from Korea. Book your FREE call today!

Nexus Fushion Partners International Founder: Rahee Eshtehardi

Not every country or market can be penetrated just by speaking English. For whatever venture or project you have overseas, to be successful, you need accurate intel/insights from the right experts on the ground to form an effective strategy.

That’s where I come in. Speaking eight languages, I live and breathe to connect and communicate with people from all over the world.

I empower your global project by getting you connected to the right experts and thereby unlocking access to the intel you need to make informed decisions in East Asia (specifically Korea, Japan, and Chinese-speaking markets). French and Persian are also available with Spanish and German to come.

With broad experience supporting Western companies, from private equity to consumer businesses, I connect companies to the needed intel, suppliers, and agencies across various markets including retail, fashion, finance, research, manufacturing, and journalism.

I am not an agency. I don’t outsource. I pride myself on building real relationships as a personable multilingual expert network services consultant who will be with you every step of the way, across every border.

Services Include:

-Identification of top industry experts, VIPs & businesses

-Outreach and connection service to target experts, VIPs & businesses

-Research, insights, and intel generation, getting you the information you need

-Data interpretation, so you can make the most of the intelligence gathered

-Facilitate consultative meetings between you and your target(s) both online and for in-person meetings

-Provide strategic recommendations, advice, and ongoing relationship management with targets

Nexus Fusion Partners International Your Personal International Broker in Seoul, Korea

I work with you to access industry experts

Me using my communication and bridging skills with people is one of my ultimately highest things I value. I will help you to access industry VIPs and industry experts that you otherwise may not be able to find with my ability. Your continued business allows me to continue to fulfill my mission of being the cosmopolitan chameleon I have always dreamed of being across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

Nexus Fusion Partners International